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  1. Because our teachers have been graduated in Al Azhar university and have obtained courses in how to teach non native Arabic.
  2. Because our teachers are well experienced and they can communicate with English speakers very well.
  3. Because we have quality assurance department which develop and improve the institute level
  4. Because we have ongoing training for our teachers to be up to date concerning online teaching
  5. Because we send reports to the parents weekly / monthly

Allah, Exalted be He, said:”Those who believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured”

Abdullah Ibn Amre Ibn Al a’as, may Allah be pleased with them, said:” Keep to the Qura’an, learn and teach it to your children as you will be questioned about and recompensed for it. It is enough to be an advisor for those who are mindful.”

Imam Ashafi’I said:”Whoever learns the Qura’an gets a great status and whoever learns the Arabic language becomes softhearted.”

The Arabic language is the language of Qura’an, as Allah said: “In a clear Arabic language”

Learning the Arabic language is necessary for every Muslim wanting to learn the Noble Quran and Islamic studies and expand his knowledge about Islam.